Teaching piano in the era of Covid-19: how a university professor transitioned to online instruction
We just finished the academic year here at Miami University. And what a long and challenging year it has been. I was recently asked to...

Annotation for Perfectionists: Henle app tutorial video
Lately, I have been using the G. Henle Verlag's sheet music app a lot when practicing and I am loving it! There are so many possibilities...

How to stay motivated when praticising the piano: a guest post for Pianist magazine
I wrote another blog post for Pianist magazine on how to stay motivated when practicing the piano. I hope you find my suggestions to be...

3 ways to improve your legato playing: a guest post for Pianist Magazine
I recently wrote a blog post for Pianist Magazine on legato playing. Check it out here. Hope you find it to be helpful! Thanks for...

Understanding Musical Context When Solving Technical Challenges in Your Repertoire
Often times, when we encounter a technically challenging passage in a piano work, what is usually our first instinct in trying to solve...

How to Voice Chords and Why It is Important: a Quick Tutorial
As a pianist, I feel fortunate to play on an instrument that lends itself to endless possibilities and opportunities in producing...

5 tips on maximising efficiency in your piano practice: a guest post for Pianist Magazine
I am excited to have been invited to write a guest blog post for Pianist Magazine, UK's renowned magazine for people who love to play the...

5 Things that All Music Students Must Do Before They Enroll in College
The end of the academic year is upon us! As graduation rapidly approaches, here are 5 things high school seniors should do before they...

Preparing Successfully for College Music Entrance Auditions
It's about that time of year! Classes are underway and audition season is gearing up. In anticipation for this stressful process, here...

How I Think I Sound vs. How I Really Sound. Some Thoughts on Bridging the Gap
When I was developing as a pianist throughout my high school years, I would always be surprised by my teacher's comments after...