Understanding and Respecting Your Audience
I recently came across an article on Interlude about a response to Andras Schiff's controversial thoughts on the modern audience. Here is...

Teaching piano in the era of Covid-19: how a university professor transitioned to online instruction
We just finished the academic year here at Miami University. And what a long and challenging year it has been. I was recently asked to...

How Music and the Arts Can Comfort Us During Challenging Times
It has been a difficult time for all of us during this COVID-19 health crisis. With so many people out of work and several businesses...

How to stay motivated when praticising the piano: a guest post for Pianist magazine
I wrote another blog post for Pianist magazine on how to stay motivated when practicing the piano. I hope you find my suggestions to be...

This Is Why Classical Music Should Not Be Forgotten
I have always been a firm believer that classical music has the ability to elicit powerful reactions beyond the notes we hear from the...

Fueling My Creative Desire: Concert Programming
One of my favorite things that I love to do as a musician is to develop recital programs. Chamber music friends and partners that have...

5 Things that All Music Students Must Do Before They Enroll in College
The end of the academic year is upon us! As graduation rapidly approaches, here are 5 things high school seniors should do before they...

Staying Inspired to Practice
I am always asked by several non-musicians how do I get myself to practice so much? For me, my reasons come from necessity: I present...

Preparing Successfully for College Music Entrance Auditions
It's about that time of year! Classes are underway and audition season is gearing up. In anticipation for this stressful process, here...

5 Most Influential Classical Music Recordings
During my college years, I would get together with some friends to listen and compare our favorite recordings. I always found this to be...